Thursday, June 28, 2012

Module 6 - Chapter 21

I see the seriousness in me all the time.  I know I'm all about "getting things done" so much so that in the midst of working I often lose my sense of humor completely.

What gives you (simple) joy?

  • reading a good book and escaping into it's fantasy
  • taking a stroll outside
  • vegging out in front of the tv
  • working on my writing
Secret Sauce Writing Exercises:

  • How does your Inner Pilot Light define fun?  Can you add to Christa's list - authentically?

My list above are things I enjoy but I can't say they're "laugh out loud" fun.  I think hanging out with friends would be the "thing" for me.  Going shopping or window shopping, talking about nothing, and just "being".

  • More specifically, what can you do to make this whole process of leaping into your dreams more fun?

Schedule fun/breaks, release perfectionism and the idea of "getting it all done" right now.  Take mini vacations!  Do stuff just for me, just because.

Embracing my dreams one day at a time!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Module 6 - Chapter 20

(At last the last module!  It only took me a year to get here!!!)

Lissa talks about the flawed notion of the LOA and I think she is correct.  One of the problems I have found with "The Secret" itself is in the delivery of information about it.  What seems to be left out is that the Universe works in many ways and in some ways you need to move with it and in others you need to move out of its (and your) way.

One of the things she says, about starting a business and getting a business license & too right.  I have the latter going on but I need to get my business licensed.  I've been putting it off because I keep telling myself I'm not ready or that I don't have the money or I needed to get other things...but really I need to put my next 110.00 towards that, and that's final.

Secret Sauce Writing Exercise:  What needs to be done?

  • What needs to be done to get you closer to your dreams?
(Faith Works) I need to get my business license for each business, incorporate (LLC) each business.  I need to have all of my paperwork done, "hire" an accountant to help me go over my books if need be.  I need to look through my website with a critical eye (ask lay person's and other artists/crafters what they think and if they feel it's navigatable).  I need to research the cost of an independent website & domain name.  I need a website that will allow me to sell via Paypal buttons & a shopping cart.  I need to set up an account with the post office or set my website up so that it allows me to configure shipping ahead of time.

(PhoenixFlame Healing Center) I need to get a business license & incorporate as a professional.  I need to look over my website with other professionals and lay people to see if it is clear and what I need to do.  I need to purchase a domain name & independent website.  I need to take stock of what equipment I need to purchase.  I need to have all of my paperwork for teaching & taking clients put together.  I need a reliable space to work out of - wherever that is neat and safe and comfortable for me, my clients, and other people

  • What three action steps can you start employing right now to get you closer to your dreams?
(Faith Works)
1.  I can start saving up to incorporate my business and obtain a business license.
2.  I can get opinions about my websites.
3.  I can get all of my paperwork done.  (Update inventory, correct selling work sheets, supply receipt sheets, profit/loss sheet).

(PhoenixFlame Healing Center)
1.  I can start saving up to incorporate my business and obtain a business license.
2.  I can get opinions about my website.
3.  I can gather all of my paperwork for clients & students and have master drafts and copies ready.

  • What's on your "stop-doing list"?  What will you stop doing to create open space for what may come next?
I will stop feeling sorry for myself that I haven't done this all yet.
I will stop trying to do too much.
I will stop rushing myself.
I will stop procrastinating.
I will stop beating myself up.
I will stop trying to be a perfectionist about everything I do (to the detriment of getting anything done.)
I will stop being a workaholic about things (allowing rather than pushing.)

Secret Sauce Writing Exercise:  Are you more sperm or more egg?
  • What about you?  Do you tend to be more sperm or more egg?  How has it served you?  How might you better balance out the two?
I think with my tendency to be more Type A that I, like Lissa, am more sperm.  I want to exert force and have a hard time accepting what I desire unless I'm taking it.  My go-getter attitude has made me forthright and aggressive, but sometimes overwhelms other people.  I need to ask then wait for assistance from wherever and learn to be patient with other people.

Like Lissa I am definitely a do-er.  Whenever I need something to happen my first and only instinct is to force it into being.  Manifesting isn't bad, but forcing energy isn't usually a good thing.  Things will come to be and pass in their own time.

Reading Dana's article about quitting her job has me thinking about mine (which I've been doing a lot of lately anyhow).  In one fashion I feel I really can't leave my work as a CNA because right now it's my livelihood and it represents something I have to work to keep.  It's also something that if I lost my certification I wouldn't go and get it back because it's not worth it to me to pay for something I don't really like.  So I slave away because it's easier for me to keep it by working than not.  I think part of the problem I have in my leaping away is the normal fear everyone has, but also the fact that I have a skill I have to maintain and if I don't work on it it's harder to convince an employer to hire me.

Reading about positive procrastination I cannot help but smile and nod fervently!  I SO know this feeling and all along I thought I was just being lazy even when I found things later to work out better allowing them to just be!  I also like Danielle's approach to her workweek of 2 buffer days (mine right now will be Monday & Wednesday), 3 work days (Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday) and off days (Saturday & Sunday)...although now with my schedule so ultra full I'm not sure how this will all work out...we shall see!

Embracing my dreams one day at a time!